Please help me with this question

You are given an input JSON, whose HTML representation is also attached for readability. As you can see from the JSON (or the readable HTML file), you can find some findings, in the form of key-value pairs.

INPUT FILE: input - Google Drive

Given such an input JSON, your assignment is to parse 3 findings out using Python. These findings may or may not be present. Your output given such a dataset should read:

“Heart Volume”: 833.9
“Coronary Calcium”: 590.2
“Coronary Calcium Range”: “Red”

Firstly, welcome to the forums.

While we are primarily here to help people with their Free Code Camp progress, we are open to people on other paths, too. Some of what you are asking is pretty trivial in the Free Code Camp context, so you might find that if you’re not getting the instruction and material you need in your current studies, the FCC curriculum will really help you get started. At a modest guess I’d say investing a 4-5 hours working through the curriculum here will really pay off. You can find the curriculum at

With your current questions, we don’t have enough context to know what you already know or don’t know, so it is impossible to guide you without just telling you the answer (which we won’t do).

It is pretty typical on here for people to share a codepen / / jsfiddle example of what they have tried so that anyone helping has more of an idea of what help is actually helpful.

Please provide some example of what you’ve tried and I’m sure you’ll get more help.

Happy coding :slight_smile:

import json
with open(r'C:\\Users\billj\Desktop\\Project\data.json') as f:
    data = json.load(f)  

for key, val in enumerate(data):

# Deired output
# [
# {
#   "Heart Volume": 833.9
#   "Coronary Calcium": 590.2
#   "Coronary Calcium Range": "Red"
# }
# ]

I tried numerous ways to retrieve “Heart Volume” “Coronary Calcium” but when ever I do it says “keyerror” and when I print the keys I get a bunch of keys with just the number. And finally I tried to print each key but nothing gets me near the result. I cannot find the words through a nested dictionary and print the requied values cause its inside a dictionary which has lists. Help me to build a code in python that can parse through the lists inside a dictionary to find these words (“Heart Volume” “Coronary Calcium” “Coronary Calcium Range”). I have tried numerous articles nothing helped me.

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