PLEASE HELP! .nav-link with href="#home" is not linked to a corresponding element on the page

Did anyone get the the correct code for .nav-link for Build a Product Landing Page User Story #5? I need help?

This is what’s happening:
My “features” and “pricing” links work but not the “home”. I am getting this error:

The .nav-link with href="#home" is not linked to a corresponding element on the page : expected null to not equal null

My Code:
I used the opening nav element with the id=nav-bar inside it. then the rest of the code as shown below:

 <li><a class="nav-link" href="#home">Home</a></li>


Hi @mz.empress2u !

Welcome to the forum!

It would be nice to see your codepen link.
I would be able to give you a better answer after looking at the full code.

@mz.empress2u, it’s easier to help if you provide your code otherwise all anyone can do is guess.

That being said, from the error message you’re seeing there’s more than likely a typo for the link that’s failing. They’re sometimes hard to spot (as you know). Maybe an uppercase (or lowercase) letter where you didn’t expect it.

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Thanks I got it figured out to pass. Was missing a Section element and missed out my Home class.

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Good job getting it fixed. And just like the error message was telling you :slightly_smiling_face:

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