Pomodoro Clock Audio

I am working on the Pomodoro Clock project. I have all test passed except for the audio portion. I am not confused about how to incorporate it into my code, but I am confused about how to link to the file on Codepen.

I can create an audio file on my computer and use it from Visual Studio (the editor I am using), but I don’t know how to do this on Codepen because there is not a directory I have access to.

I’ve considered using a link to an audio file online, but I don’t know where to find one. I don’t know how to post my own either.

Any advice?


Type in a search engine “alarm audio clip”. Or whatever sound clip you would like to use to find one online.

Also/or can you post some code or a link to what you have tried, for more specific advice?

Whenever I search online I only find sounds to download. I don’t know how to use these in a link like we did for the drum project which had links to sounds on FreeCodeCamp:

<audio class="clip" id="E" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/drums/Heater-3.mp3" controls autoplay></audio>