Pong (No Canvas)

Hey guys, I tried making pong with no canvas. Here’s the code:

<!Doctype html>
		Animation Practice
			position: relative;
			background-color: black;
			width: 900px;
			height: 400px;
			position: absolute;
			top: 165.5px;
			left: 8px;
			width: 2px;
			height: 69px;
			background-color: white;
			position: absolute;
			top: 165.5px;
			left: 892px;
			width: 2px;
			height: 69px;
			background-color: white;
			position: absolute;
			left: 400px;
			top: 200px;
			width: 2px;
			height: 2px;
			background-color: white;
	<body onload = "startGame()">
		<div id = "Container" >
			<div id = "P1">
			<div id = "Ball">
			<div id = "P2">
			function startGame()
				var p1 = document.getElementById("P1");
				var p1Ypos = 0;
				var p2 = document.getElementById("P2");
				var p2Ypos = 0;
				var ball = document.getElementById("Ball");
				var ballYpos = 0;
				var ballXpos = 0;
				var container = document.getElementById("Container");
				var xstep = 1;
				var ystep = 2;
				xDistBall = 898;
				yDist = 398;
				function bounceBall()
					if(xDistBall === 0)
						xstep *= -1;
						xDistBall = 898;
					if(yDist === 0)
						ystep *= -1;
						yDist = 398;
					if(xDistBall === 10 && ballYpos >= p2.offsetTop && ballYpos <= (p2.offsetTop + 69))
						xstep *= -1;
						xDistBall = 898;
					if(xDistBall === 10 && ballYpos >= p1.offsetTop && ballYpos <= (p1.offsetTop + 69))
						xstep *= -1;
						xDistBall = 898;
					ballXpos += xstep;
					xDistBall -= 1;
					ballYpos += ystep;
					yDist -= 2;
					ball.style.top = ballYpos +'px';
					ball.style.left = ballXpos +'px';
				function implementP2Controls()
					p2Ypos = ballYpos - 34.5;
					p2.style.top = p2Ypos + 'px';
					if(ballYpos <= 34.5)
				function implementP1Controls()
					/*document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event)
														if(event.keyCode == 38)
																			p1Ypos -= 2;
																			p1.style.top = (p1Ypos + 165.5 ) + 'px';
																		}, 0.5), 0.25);
														if(event.keyCode == 40)
																			p1Ypos += 2;
																			p1.style.top = (p1Ypos + 165.5 ) + 'px';
																		}, 0.5), 0.25);
					container.addEventListener('mouseover', function(event)
																console.log(event.clientY + "     " + p1Ypos);
																p1Ypos = (event.clientY - 165.5);
																p1.style.top = p1Ypos + 'px';
							}, 0.5);

It’s not finished. My problem is that it runs really slow in my browser and I was just wondering if it runs slow in your browser as well. If so, do you have any idea why that may be? Also, the part of the javascript that’s commented out lets you play with the keyboard rather than the mouse, but I’m not sure how to make it so that the paddle stops moving when you stop pressing the keys. Any idea how to do that?

My problem is that it runs really slow in my browser and I was just wondering if it runs slow in your browser as well.

It depends on what you mean by “slow”. It seems fine to me. It takes 2-2.5 seconds to traverse the screen from left to right on my system.

but I’m not sure how to make it so that the paddle stops moving when you stop pressing the keys.

You have a “keydown” event, why not a “keyup” event?

I mean the paddle that you control is slow. Is it slow for you? Try moving the mouse and see how fast the paddle moves. It makes my browser freeze. As for the arrow keys, I don’t know what to write after the “keyup” event to make the paddle stop.

In that case, then yes, it is. When I look in the console, I see that it is calling that callback 14000 times - that’s probably your time. You need to find a way to throttle that.

With regards to the keydown/keyup issue, when you call setTimeout, it returns a timer ID. You can store that and then use clearTimeout to clear (stop) it.

For example, if in your up arrow keydown event you have:

upTimer = setTimeout(setInterval(function() 

then in the keyup event you could have:


Thanks , I’ll try that