Portfolio Review :)

Hello everybody, finally finished all the challenges on Responsive Web Design, I’m so excited!
I would love to recive some feedback on my last project! Either good or bad, all types of reviews are welcome :slight_smile:

This is my Portfolio Project
Thank you all !


Nice work! Please how did you create a code pen profile. I’d like to have one also. Plus is it an effective tool for showcasing my projects and getting a job? Does it have an app? didn’t see any in playstore

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I like your text animation :heart:


hello @sopeogunlulaiye, for the code pen profile i just signed up and made all my projects there.
I don’t know if it’s effective for getting a job, but I think it’s a nice way of showing all your projects if you want to, also I think that if you improve your skills on programming you’ll have other software to show the projects.
I think it doesn’t have an app…
Maybe you can do a topic asking this, I’m not very experimented, just a beginner!

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Thanks a lot. Really appreciate this!

Your portfolio looks good @inquires.flo. Couple of things to revisit;

  • The test script should be included, with all tests passing, when you submit your projects.

    • Your page passes 11/12 user stories. Click the red button to see which test(s) are failing and text to help you correct the issue.
    • The failing text says; " My portfolio should have a link with an id of “profile-link”, which opens my GitHub or FCC profile in a new tab. #profile-link should have a target attribute : expected false to equal true"
  • when you set the target attribute for your link above do the same with your projects. Set the target attribute on each of the links so they;

  1. open in a new tab
  2. open full screen (versus editor mode)

Hello @Roma, this is weird, the test used to pass all the user stories!, I don’t know what happened…

Dunno but there’s no id on that link

Hi @Roma, here’s the line of code that have the ID:

  <a id="profile-link" href="https://github.com/floflor" class="contact-me"> <i class="fa fa-github" aria-hidden="true"></i> GitHub</a>

don’t know why isn’t working, maybe cause i didn’t add CSS on that?

This is the failing error message;
“My portfolio should have a link with an id of “profile-link”, which opens my GitHub or FCC profile in a new tab.
profile-link should have a target attribute : expected false to equal true”

There’s no target attribute

Hi, I just saw this conversation and am having the same issue, so hope you don’t mind if I join in.

I keep getting the same test fail message, but as far as I can see, I am fulfilling the user story. Here is my code:

Show more

It links to my FCC profile.

@gumpsh, the OP’s question has been asked and answered. Even though yours may be similar it’s best if you open your own topic.

Be sure to;

  1. state the issue that you’re having
  2. provide a live link to your project

Side note, if one of the user stories is failing click the red button to see which test(s) are failing and text to help you correct the issue.

  • Be sure and read more than just the first line of the failing message. The ability to read and comprehend error messages is a skill you’ll need to acquire as a developer. Ask questions on what you don’t understand.