I’m getting data from Firebase and I’m trying to put in into an array of objects. When I do so it seems like I have a problem with asynchronous reading. My array is underfined but my console.log show it with “Value below was evaluated just now”. Here is my code of the firebase date request:
let premiereEtoile = [];
let deuxiemeEtoile = [];
let troisiemeEtoile = [];
let resultats3 = [];
function joueurExiste(nom) {
return resultats3.some(function(el) {
return el.nom === nom
db.collection('premiereEtoile').get().then((snapshot) => {
snapshot.forEach(doc => {
function joueurExiste(nom) {
return resultats3.some(function(el) {
return el.nom === nom
premiereEtoile.forEach(nom => {
if (joueurExiste(nom)) {
let i = resultats3.findIndex(x => x.nom == nom);
resultats3[i].points += 3
else {
resultats3.push({ nom: nom, points: 3})
I’m new with asynchronous reading and I can’t seem to fin what I’m doing wrong. Thank you !