Project 2 = Survey Project

im facing problem at test no. 6 where its asking to : If I enter an email that is not formatted correctly, I will see an HTML5 validation error.

can anyone help me out

provide a link to your project

how do i do that ???

which platform are you using to develop the project ?

Adamas University Survey Form

Welcome to Adamas! Please fill up the form below to continue.

<label id="name-label" for="name"> 
<p> Name:</p>

<input id="name" type="text" placeholder="Enter Your Name" required> <br>

 <label id="email-label" for="email">
 <p> Email:</p>

<input id="email" type="text" placeholder="Enter Your Email" required> <br>

<label id="number-label" for="number">  
<p>Age :</p>

<input id="number" type="number" placeholder="Enter Your Age" min="12" max="55" required> <br>

Select the course you want to persue at Adamas :

CGPA/Percentage scored in Higher Secondary:

<input type="radio" name="marks" value="1"> 9.5 + / Above 90% </input>

8.9 + / Above 80%
7 + / Above 60%
5.5 + / Above 45%
4.5 + / Above 35%

Board of Higher Secondary:

 <input type="checkbox" name="board" value="1"> CBSE </input> 

State Boards

Please mention your board (if its not mentioned above):

enter board


this is my code bro.

You have to provide a link to the deployed project , copy and paste your code on codepen and share the link so that I can test it

i dont really know that im doing the final projects from responsive web development from feecodecamp.

  1. Go to a website called “Codepen”
  2. Create an account and paste your code there
  3. create a new pen ( you can see the options once you log in )
  4. Paste your code there
  5. Copy the link from your address bar and share it here.
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okay wait ill do t now… gimme 5 mins

If you still need help ping me on instagram under the id “mudbloodlad”

noted bro ill ping you up if i need further assistance.

ive sent you the link please check and tell whats wrong w my code.

Set your input to type="email", the browser will then validate the entered email for you.


you didn’t include an id for the element too, set the type of your email input field to “email”

> <input id="email" type="text" placeholder="Enter Your Email" required> this to 
> <input id="email" type="email" placeholder="Enter Your Email" required> this
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yooooo! thanks i figured that out on my own few mins ago… still thanks. ive completed the challenge.

yes got it… done. Thanks!

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