_User Story #5: When I click a .nav-link button in the nav element, I am taken to the corresponding section of the landing page.*
*** User Story #6: I can watch an embedded product video with id="video" ._**
#5. When I click a .nav-link button in the nav element, I am taken to the corresponding section of the landing page.
You need to clean up some of your html around the nav-links. You have some bad tags there. The test software cannot find / confirm your nav-links are formed as requested.
Notice that the class nav-link is not on the a tag and you have some nested a tags
Like below the class nav-link needs to be on the a tag <li><a href="#courses" class="nav-link" >Courses</a> </li>
#6. I can watch an embedded product video with id=“video”.
Do you have an element with id=“video”?