Project Local Weather Finished!

This in my project local weather:

I would like your feedback. Thanks a lot!!!


Not seeing anything… just a black background and a sliding switch.

There’s this error though.

XMLHttpRequest cannot load,-86.7768273. No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘’ is therefore not allowed access.

Yes, you are right… for correct visualization its necessary use this:

I’m going to work for solve it. I’m sorry and thanks.

The ‘cannot load’ issue in weather apps is appearing a lot right now. You’ll find the solution in other recent weather posts. Look for solutions regarding jsonp and the callback that goes with that. :grinning:

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@owel please try again, It was necessary to include in the url a third party url because I have not achieved to implement a solution in my javaScript code for ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’. I keep trying.

Awesome… works now for me. C to F conversion also works.

  • But it gives my location as Chicago. About 470 miles away.

:sweat_smile: OMG !!!