Hello guys.
I’m having problems with this test (test_create_spend_chart), I think there is an error in the test:
The test’s values:
how I calculated my values:
Total = 149.94
Percentages (The height of each bar should be rounded down to the nearest 10.)
Food = 105.55 / 149.94 *100 = 70,39 rounded (70)
Entertainment = 33.40 / 149.94 * 100 = 22,28 rounded (20)
Business = 10.99 / 149.94 *100 = 7.33 rounded (10)
Total = 100 %
My printed result:
The expected value:
print ("Percentage spent by category\n100| \n 90| \n 80| \n 70| o \n 60| o \n 50| o \n 40| o \n 30| o \n 20| o o \n 10| o o \n 0| o o o \n ----------\n B F E \n u o n \n s o t \n i d e \n n r \n e t \n s a \n s i \n n \n m \n e \n n \n t ")
I think there is an error in the percentage of business . For me It has to be 10 instead of 0 because the percentages sum is 90 %
Thanks for your help.