Hi, first of all thank you to whoever helps me!
So I am having trouble with the last function in the program. This is why I have so far, so I basically don’t really know how I would print the other items next to each other with the spaces, if somebody could explain me how to do it it would be much appreciated.
def create_spend_chart(list_categories):
title = ‘Percentage spent by category’
for i in range(100, -10, -10):
if i == 100:
print(str(i) + ‘|’)
if i < 100 and i > 0:
print(’ ’ + str(i) + ‘|’)
if i == 0:
print(’ ’ + str(i) + ‘|’)
x = len(list_categories) + 2
print(' ' + '-' * x)
x = ' '
counter = 0
for item in list_categories:
for word in item:
print(' ' + ' ' * counter + word)
counter += 1
This is what it looks like:
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Challenge: Budget App
Link to the challenge: