QA test won't pass even though everything looks fine in the console

Tell us what’s happening:
Hello, please i’m stock at " Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Run Functional Tests using a Headless Browser". Everything works fine in the console but fails FCC test. Please someone help me.

Your code so far

const Browser = require("zombie"); = '';

suite("e2e Testing with Zombie.js", function () {
  const browser = new Browser()

  suiteSetup(function (done) {
    return browser.visit('/', done);

  suite('"Famous Italian Explorers" form', function () {
    // #5
    test('submit "surname" : "Colombo" - write your e2e test...', function (done) {
      browser.fill("surname", "Colombo").pressButton("submit", function () {
        browser.assert.text("span#name", "Cristoforo");
        browser.assert.text("span#surname", "Colombo");
        browser.assert.element("span#dates", 1)
    // #6
    test('submit "surname" : "Vespucci" - write your e2e test...', function (done) {
      browser.fill("surname", "Vespucci").pressButton("submit", function () {
        browser.assert.text("span#name", "Amerigo");
        browser.assert.text("span#surname", "Vespucci");
        browser.assert.element("span#dates", 1)

Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0.

Challenge: Run Functional Tests using a Headless Browser

Link to the challenge:

Hello @promisefru. Welcome to FCC.

The last two challenges have a bug. I believe it has not been fixed yet. You can skip them and return to finish later.

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ok thank you @nibble, thought i was doing something wrong

Please @nibble, how do i know when it’s fixed?

You can follow the conversation in the following pull request.

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