Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Learn How JavaScript Assertions Work

Tell us what’s happening:

I am trying to complete the Quality assurance and testing with chai course, but it keeps failing.

I have used github, gitpod, visual studio and repl to complete the task but the url never seems to work, I get the same message:
‘Remember to submit the Live App URL’

Heres the links I have input:

  1. boilerplate-mochachai - Replit
  2. GitHub - ZaynahAC/assertions

if anyone can help please do, I dont know what else to do now

###Your project link(s)


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Quality Assurance and Testing with Chai - Learn How JavaScript Assertions Work

Hello @zaynahac01,

When you run your project on Replit, it opens up a live preview. Without closing the tab where Replit is open, copy the URL at the top of the preview and put it into the solution input.

Happy coding!