Quality Assurance Projects - Issue Tracker

Tell us what’s happening:

I need help, I cant figure out why my code can’t pass test 5 and 6

5. You can send a GET request to /api/issues/{projectname} for an array of all issues for that specific projectname, with all the fields present for each issue.
6. You can send a GET request to /api/issues/{projectname} and filter the request by also passing along any field and value as a URL query (ie. /api/issues/{project}?open=false). You can pass one or more field/value pairs at once.

###Your project link(s)

solution: https://3000-freecodecam-boilerplate-rgam0yibhkd.ws-eu117.gitpod.io
git: GitHub - MikulasMachovec/fcc-issueTracker

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge Information:

Quality Assurance Projects - Issue Tracker

You have scoped the existingProjectModel variable in your POST handler to an if statement.

As such, if the project doesn’t exist, you create and save the return to a variable you do not have access to later when you use the existingProjectModel._id property. Use let and reassign it instead.

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thank you very much, little bit of edit and its working