Question about asynchronous fetch

I’m new to asynchronous Javascript and can’t figure out how to return a fetched html page as a string. All that is being returned is a promise, which I have tried to access with .then(), but have had no luck. Here is what I’m working with:

async function getHtml() {
    const response = await fetch('url'); 
    const responseHTML = await response.text();
    return responseHTML;

Your getHtml() function looks fine to me (assuming you are replacing 'url' with an actual url). You are correct, it will return a Promise because all functions declared with async return a Promise. So you need to handle that correctly. Can you give us an example of how you are using this function in your code?


I’d like to take to take the returned string and filter it with regex. So if it was a normal function I’d write something like this:

async function getHtml() {
    const response = await fetch('url'); 
    const responseHTML = await response.text();
    return responseHTML;
const returnedString = getHtml();
const re = new RegExp('([A-Z])\w+', 's');
const filteredString = returnedString.match(re);

But that obviously doesn’t work with promises.

Right, you can’t just call getHtml() as a regular function since it returns a promise. You have a few options:

  • getHtml().then(html => {...});
  • create another async function and call getHtml() inside of it using await:
async processHtml() {
  const html = await getHtml();

Also, remember that it is possible that the fetch can fail so you probably want to add in error handling as well.

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