Quiz with Vanilla JavaScript

I’ve made a thread some days ago about a quiz with JS, but that thread took many comments and thought submitting a new thread would be easier to solve my problems.
Anyway in the quiz below I am trying to make questions of a quiz to be validated and alert at the end of quiz how many correct questions I had and also I do not want to refresh the page when I press the button Submit, tried to see why it refreshes and honestly have no idea why it refreshes?

Yeah fixed it by using preventDefault with an event listener, thanks.
But any idea why quiz results doesn’t show on submit in an alert window ?
And if I skip question and not choose any answer from question It doesn’t show any error or any alert to select any option from answer ?

updated it now as I forgot to update it besides my visual code

This is the code and it alerts if I skip question without choosing an option ?

   for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) { 
      if (eval("q"+i) === null || eval("q"+i) === "") {
          alert("You missed question" +i)
          return false

Oh I see looks like I have to make an if statement for button Next when when i do not choose any options and for submit too to show results on Submit.

Anyone can help me with quiz on Submit button, because I’ve got only submit button left to do and i tried my best but there’s an error with questions that always it shows 0/4 everytime I choose the correct answer. And on Submit it does not show alert immediately but it shows the alert “Choose an option” 4 times then it shows the results of quiz, any idea ?

I tried different way by just putting the questions and score in a single function and now it doesn’t even show alert on Submit and I’ve been stuck with this honestly.
If you could help me with this quiz with submit showing score would be very good for me so I could learn what you did because me as a beginner don’t have no solution for this, thank you.

About submitAnswer added the event and it prevents from reloading on submit.
And about questions, I added them into an array with questions and answers and replaced answers with correctAnswers as you said but it shows an error on Console Log saying “correctAnswers is not defined”, any idea why it shows that? Is because I added answers and questions in an array or what?

Added an if statement on submitAnswer and now it shows always please select an option even that i have my if statement that checks if any option is checked or not?

About array of userAnswers I made a mistake and removed lines for that, so you have it on Codepen now.
And about validateForm to do the one for the submit button, I added same code from Next button because I had no idea what to change from that line of codes for Next button to Submit button because I thought the same code would work for Submit but still it shows “Select an option” and on Console Log it doesn’t show any error?
If you could solve this error with my button on Submit that doesn’t show results and “Select an option”, would be very thankful because I think I’ve mostly wasted your time because every time you told me to do I just messed up more and more and I am pretty bad with JavaScript honestly.