Right, but that’s the React way to do it. In the long run, it’s a little extra typing, but organizes things much better. In a “real” app, all those components would be in separate files, in a logical folder structure. It’s much easier to understand and maintain.
OK, keep in mind that I’m very, picky, opinionated, and am fairly fast typer…
Taking a look at your code…
The formatting is OK but could go better. In a “real” code editor, there are tools that can help. For now, in code pen, in the upper right corner is a pull down menu and you can select “Format JavaScript”. It makes it a little easier to read. But, what you had was pretty good.
All in all I can’t complain about much. A few little nitpicks could be:
const content = this.props.quoteList[this.props.randomIndex]["quote"];
why not:
const content = this.props.quoteList[this.props.randomIndex].quote;
You only need bracket notation if the property is in a variable or is not a valid JS identifier (alphanum, _, $, and can’t start with a number).
<div id={this.props.id}>
<h1>" {content}</h1>
Did this need to be wrapped in a div
? I think you could have applied whatever styling, ids, whatever to the h1
. It keeps your DOM from growing out of control. I mean, if you need it, you need it, but if you don’t then lose it.
class Wrapper extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
randomIndex: 0,
quoteText: "",
quoteAuthor: ""
this.handleNewQuoteClick = this.handleNewQuoteClick.bind(this);
handleNewQuoteClick(newRandomIndex) {
randomIndex: newRandomIndex
// ...
Part of this is just how FCC teaches React - everything is a class and every class has a constructor. Component has a default constructor so you usually don’t need one for a component. You can declare state directly as a class property and if you use an arrow function, you don’t need to bind this (arrow functions don’t create their own this) so this could be simplified to:
class Wrapper extends React.Component {
state = {
randomIndex: 0,
quoteText: "",
quoteAuthor: ""
handleNewQuoteClick = newRandomIndex=> {
randomIndex: newRandomIndex
// ...
That’s probably how you will see it in the “real” world. Actually, in reality nowadays people aren’t writing class components much because now functional components can have state and their own version of lifecycle methods (through hooks). Don’t get me wrong, it’s really important to learn class components. I don’t write class components anymore, but I do have to maintain them in older code.
return (
<div id="quote-box" className="well">
<div className="bottom">
<div className="codeBy">
by KaHeng Lei
If you are just using a div
to group nodes so you can return a single node, consider using a fragment. It will group them but then “dissolve” in the DOM, like it isn’t there.
return (
// some node
// some other node
or if your version is high enough:
return (
// some node
// some other node
Actually, it looks like it does affect the centering a little. I don’t know if it is worth it, to have to fix another problem. But in some cases, components that are rendered hundreds of times, it can make a difference.
I don’t know if “Wrapper” is a good name for the main component. “App” is traditional.
In NewQuote, you have:
handleNewQuoteClick() {
const newRandomIndex = Math.floor(
Math.random() * this.props.quoteList.length
which ultimately calls:
handleNewQuoteClick(newRandomIndex) {
randomIndex: newRandomIndex
So, the logic of creating a new quote is split between two methods in two components. To me, the component NewQuote should just handle the click and declaratively say that new quote is needed. I think the button should call this.props.onNewQuoteClick directly. It should not pass an index - it does not be interested in how a new quote is created (imperative programming), it should just, like Caesar laying on a fluffy couch, being fanned with ostrich plumes, say, “Bring me wine, thrall!”. He doesn’t tell the slave how to get to the wine cellar, how to open the bottle, etc. This should be declarative - just say what you want. Let the part of code that handles the quotes deal with the specifics of how to get a new one.
And then all that logic should be in that method Wrapper since that is storing/handling the quotes. That handleNewQuoteClick in Wrapper should have all the logic - create the random number, set the state. And I don’t think it should be called that. It doesn’t care about clicks. It’s job is to get a new quote - it’s name should reflect that.
In theory, in a more complex app, you might have separate functions to generate the new data and a separate function to update the state/DB/whatever - in that case I’d have a third function to wrap those and pass that.
this.state = {
randomIndex: 0,
quoteText: "",
quoteAuthor: ""
It looks like you are only using the random index - you don’t need the others. Good, that is a better way to do it.
I think “randomIndex” is a bad name. It tells me something it already assumes and doesn’t tell them something they need to know. I would call it “quoteIndex”. In a large program you may have lots of indices.
Also, when passing it:
Don’t send the entire list and the index. That component shouldn’t care about how the quotes are stored. All it needs is a quote. I would send it:
Just as a reminder:
if we rework that click handler, this would just be:
and we normally don’t put the id directly on the React component like that, you’d put in in the JSX. I see that you’re passing it in getting it off props. There is no need to do that - this is only one NewQuote so you can hard code in on the div
. The only time I’d do what you’re doing is if I had a component like say MyButton and I had different versions of that that needed IDs so I passed an ID in with it. That would make sense for that situation. Here it is wasted typing and complexity.
Looking at the app…
You only have an icon for the tweet? What if someone is using a screen reader? How is a web crawler supposed to know what that is?
Something other things to consider…
Again, getting very nitpicky, but you can get the same quote two times in a row. Is there a way to prevent that? I can think of two ways, one sloppy and one elegant. I’m not saying you need to do it, but it is something to think about. Part of being a developer is thinking about all the possible angles.
Your app starts up with the same quote every time? Is that good? If you had an app on the iPhone store and it gave the user a random inspirational quote, but it was the same first quote every day, every time you opened the app…
Still, it’s a great job. It’s probably better organized than my quote machine was.
As the the observations, I’m not saying you need to make any of those changes, their just things to consider for when you make your next app. Have fun on the Markdown Previewer.