React - Create a Controlled Form

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kindly help check out my code, am getting the required render.

Your code so far

class MyForm extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      input: '',
      submit: ''
    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
    this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
  handleChange(event) {
  handleSubmit(event) {
    // Change code below this line
      submit: this.state.input
    // Change code above this line
  render() {
    return (
        <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
          {/* Change code below this line */}
          value= {this.change.input} 
          onChange ={this.handleChange} />
          {/* Change code above this line */}
          <button type='submit'>Submit!</button>
        {/* Change code below this line */}
       <h1> {this.state.submit} </h1>
        {/* Change code above this line */}

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Challenge: React - Create a Controlled Form

Link to the challenge:

You have a couple of small errors in your code:

  1. You have typed the word change here by mistake I think: value= {this.change.input}
  2. Your h1 element will not pass the test because there are spaces before and after {this.state.submit}
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i really appreciate

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