React: Display component based on select option

Hey i’m having trouble rendering data based on the option selected. when i try document.selectElementById to select option i get an error. any thoughts??

I just want to select option and render a different component based on selection

class Booklist extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {


this.state = { option: 'Parchment House' };

this.handlePick = this.handlePick.bind(this);

// this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);

this.componentDidMount = this.componentDidMount.bind(this)


displayWarehouse() {

return (

<select id="opt" onChange={this.handlePick} value={this.state.option}>

{ => {

return <option key={warehousename.warehouseID}>{}</option>





displayBooks(num) {

return[num] =&gt; {
return (
<div key={titles.bookID}>
{titles.title} {titles.stock.balance}




handlePick(e) {


this.setState({ option: });

// console.log(this.state.option);


componentDidMount() {

// e.preventDefault();

if (this.state.option) {

return <div>{this.displayBooks(1)}</div>


return <div>{this.displayBooks(0)} </div>


render() {

if ( {

return  <div>loading... </div>

 <div className="zero" style={{ height: '100%' }} > 

<div className="titlebar">

<label>Select Option</label>







export default graphql(fetchbooks)(Booklist);

Can’t see selectElementById in your code, but:
1. such method doesn’t exist
2. if you’re doing document.blabla in React code it’s usually time to stop and think why is that necessary.