React DOM access issues

Hello all,

Having some trouble with accessing the DOM from a function in React. I’m attempting to dynamically create an element with an unique ID and pass the ID to the function so I can access that ID element and insert a chart. However, when I try to getElementById I get a null value.


 chart(canvas) {

  table() {
    let strategyStrikes = this.state.strategyStrikes;
    let dates = this.state.dates;

    return, i) => {
      return (
        <div id="table" className="table-responsive m-0 p-0">
          <table className="table table-sm table-hover table-striped table-dark m-0 p-0">
                <th colspan="8" className="text-center">
                <th colspan="8" className="text-center">
              { => {
                if (item.includes(date) && item.length < 80) {
                  return (
                      <div id={`${item}`}></div>
                      <td className="text-center">{item.replace(date, "")}</td>
                } else {
                  return null;

I think you need to look into react refs:

I don’t think I am completely grasping this but I’m thinking I would put a

<canvas id={item} ref={this.chartRef}/>

In my table() function.

And in a createChart() function I’d have an

chartRef = React.createRef();
const myChartRef = this.chartRef;

new Chart{myChartRef, { etc ...

Thanks for the pointer! It ended up helping a lot.

Got it to work, albeit I ended up just doing one chart instead of many. But I will make the chart dynamic based on selection.


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