I’m making Drum Maching on React. Link - https://codepen.io/VasV/pen/abOwEwM?editors=0110
Trying to complete step 6 " When I press the trigger key associated with each .drum-pad, the audio clip contained in its child audio element should be triggered".
To make this happen I created handleKeyPress in Display class. The problem appears when I’m trying to access the components of children (Buttons): “source” which contains the URL of the sound and “text” which contains key name. I’d like to create a 2D array with text and source e.g [[‘Q’, ‘clap,mp3’], [W: ‘drum.mp3’]] and then iterate through it on eact key press. I’d like to create it iterating through props of each Button.
So handleKeyPress should be something like this:
handleKeyPress(e) {
let arr = [];
let key = e.key.toUpperCase();
/* here I somehow access props of Buttons, iterate through them (forEach or something similar) and my arr looks like [['Q', 'clap,mp3'], [W: 'drum.mp3']] How can I do it? */
for (let a = 0; a<arr.length; a++) {
if (arr[a][0] == key) {
let x = document.getElementById(key);
return x.play();
Of course, I can hardcode the array but what if I want to add some more buttons?