I keep getting a “Failed to compile” message for any imports that reference a path to a file. The ‘react’ and ‘react-bootstrap’ imported just fine. It is specifically when I am importing components from files:
import React, { useRef } from ‘react’
import { Form, Button, Card } from “react-bootstrap”
import useAuth from “./context/AuthContext” //not importing
I have been searching online and I come across suggestions about webpacks. May someone explain a little more about the format and process of importing? Am I not formatting this correctly?
I think it was because my .env wasn’t setup with my keys. That seemed to resolve issue. Now, I am getting a missing start script message. It’s just a general react with firebase sign up/login page and bootstrap styling. Nothing fancy at the moment. I am thinking my react is not properly installed, because the start script looks fine.