Hello, i need help, i map my cards in my store.reducer but he dont appear directly in my home page , i don t understand .
Which file are you using to render UI?
this one (sorry for english)
I’m a tad confused as to what’s going on here. Although I recall you should have an index.js file. That renders the UI using reactDOM.
So which file will trigger your UI? Does this look familiar <App />
Iam not sure I understand your problem?
Me too ,
The probleme is when i arrived in my home page website , cards dont appear
Thats why you must import it to your index.js file and render it using the render method and then reactDOM.render(<Card />, getElementById('root');
Sorry my english is bad your can explain me simply
hey, you need to code your react render file, which is done using the App function and rendered in the index.js file
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