React - Write a React Component from Scratch

hey guys been a bit… finally stumped again …
any hint without getting anywhere NEEEAAR the answer
i believe i am starting to believe me when i believe i am close…

… and i DO believe I am close :grinning: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
:woozy_face: :brain::woozy_face:
:blush: :facepunch:

Your code so far

class  MyComponent extends React.Component{
  constructor(props) {
  render() {
    return (
    <div id = "challenge-node"> 
    <h1> My First React Component!</h1>

ReactDOM.render(MyComponent , document.getElementById("challenge-node"))

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Challenge: React - Write a React Component from Scratch

Link to the challenge:

You are really close!

Just remember, the h1 tag displays exactly what is inside of it, does it match the test exactly?

And the second problem is in your ReactDOM.render method call, it’s missing something.

I hope that helps!

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:man_superhero::facepunch: :+1:
thanks :mortar_board:

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