Really good video on future of CSS Grid Frameworks

I had dug through a lot of resources when learning CSS grid frameworks on my own (via tutorials, youtube, MDN mozilla developer network, things from jen simmonds, rachaelandrew, etc) when it comes to setting up a proper framework from the groundup without using bootstrap

I found this video to be the best summary of why you would want to use a CSS grid framework from an authoritative source that came out last week from Morten Rand Harrison at a talk he did

Slides here: file found of his talk found here

In that 30 minute video it pretty much covers everything you wanted to ever know about using a CSS grid framework / useful external resources


Discussion topics found here on opinions related to video:

Yes, I played with CSS Grid last month and it’s pretty cool.

This is the docs page on MDN

My bet is this will replace Bootstrap in the coming months/years?.. whoever can make a CSS framework that will simplify and make this beginner friendly will win.


A very good option is to follow this very consistent post from Mozilla’s Jen Simmons… She made a list of the best resources to learn CSS Grid:


For those ones who plugs bootstrap only because of grid, they could be already very independent just using css flexbox.

If you want to get used to it very quick, Wes Bos had very good & free course!

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yea they also did a whole redesign of the MDN which is cool, this happened yesterday by the way

I prefer to do everything with just plain CSS if possible and only use frameworks as a per-need-basis only, so I don’t get into any sloppy habits

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