Record Collection - help required

Hi, I’ve been trying to do Record Collection for a couple hours. My solution turned out very similar to all the other, actually working solutions, but it does’t work. I would appreciate if someone have helped me understand what I’m doing wrong,

// Setup
const recordCollection = {
  2548: {
    albumTitle: 'Slippery When Wet',
    artist: 'Bon Jovi',
    tracks: ['Let It Rock', 'You Give Love a Bad Name']
  2468: {
    albumTitle: '1999',
    artist: 'Prince',
    tracks: ['1999', 'Little Red Corvette']
  1245: {
    artist: 'Robert Palmer',
    tracks: []
  5439: {
    albumTitle: 'ABBA Gold'

// Only change code below this line
function updateRecords(records, id, prop, value) {
 if (value=='') {
  delete records[id][prop];
  return records;
 else if (prop!='tracks' && value!='') {
   return records;
else if (prop=='tracks' && hasOwnProperty(records[id])==false) {
  return records;
else if (prop=='tracks' && value!='') {
  return records;
  return records;

updateRecords(recordCollection, 5439, 'artist', 'ABBA');

What is this doing? It isn’t doing what you think!

I got it, I guess I didn’t understand how to call methods properly

else if (prop=='tracks' && records[id].hasOwnProperty(prop)==false) {
  return records;

Hi. I have a question. I have answered this step employing if/else, however I wanted to also try using switch because I wanted to learn both before I proceed further. However, I can’t seem to get it right. I’ve rewritten my if/else code to almost the same exact code apart from using switch cases, but somehow it doesn’t work. I figured I might’ve botched some syntax. Can you please take a look and tell me where I might’ve made a mistake:

function updateRecords(records, id, prop, value) {
  switch (records, id, prop, value) {
    case prop != "tracks" && value != "":
      records[id][prop] = value;
    case prop == "tracks" && records[id].hasOwnProperty(prop) == false:
      records[id][prop] = [];
    case prop == "tracks" && value != "":
    case value == "":
      delete records[id][prop];
  return records;

It’s practically the same code as my if/else .

I added the missing break;s, still don’t work

A switch is not a general purpose replacement for an if-else statement.

In a switch you match one variable against multiple possible values. You could do that here, but it won’t be one switch covering all of your current if else options.

Yeah I have already posted about this and got my answer, about switch requiring one expression. Still, thank you for taking time to reply

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