I have a form which when submitted creates a new entry in my MongoDB Database.
Upon doing this though, I want this new entry to display on my ‘redirect’ page. However - instead of ‘refreshing’ the page, it simply redirects, and the page appears the same as it did when it was last navigated away from.
So my question is, how do I re-factor my code so that on form submission the redirect also refreshes the redirect page?
Here’s my submit code:
onSubmit = (e) => {
axios.post("/api/submitDebt", {
creditCard: this.state.creditCardToggled,
personalLoan: this.state.personalLoanToggled,
provider: this.state.provider,
balance: this.state.balance,
limit: this.state.limit,
monthly: this.state.monthly,
interest: this.state.interest,
borrowed: this.state.borrowed
I’m assuming it’s because it’s ‘this.props.history’, so it returns the original page. What’s the best way for me to refactor this redirect to also reload the page on form submit?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!