Regular Expressions - Lookaheads

I’m really just trying to understand the second lookahead in this expression. Can anyone explain:


From what I understand, it’s looking ahead for zero or more absence of digits (\D*) and also a single digit(\d). This doesn’t compute in my head.

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Challenge: Regular Expressions - Positive and Negative Lookahead

Link to the challenge:

The exercise describes it as “and at least one number”.
So in addition to the first lookahead wanting 3-6 characters, the second one makes sure that there is at least one number in there.

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I understand what it accomplishes, I don’t understand why this expression makes sure that there is at least one number present.

\d represents [0-9]
\D represents [^0-9]

So \D* returns 0 or more of everything except a digit and \d returns a digit.

Why is \D* needed? why not just \d?

While typing this I start to understand the expression. (?=\D*\d) is asking for 0 or more of any characters AND 1 digit. So to put it all together, /(?=\w{3,6})(?=\D*\d)/ is an expression that looks for:

  1. A string with at least 3 characters, and at most 6 characters
  2. A string that has 1 digit

I rest.

you got it!
(I love how you explained it all to yourself!)

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