Repeat a string help plz

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Hello ! someone can explain me clearly why we can put this =>
let newArr = “”;
while (num > 0) {
newArr += str;
num- -;
} return newArr;

and can’t put this ? =>
let newArr = “”;
while (num < 0) {
newArr += str;
return newArr;
I understand why the first solution works but I don’t know why the second one did not work.

   **Your code so far**

function repeatStringNumTimes(str, num) {
 /*let newArr = "";
 while (num < 0) {
   newArr += str;
 return newArr; */
 let arr = [];
while (arr.length < num) {
return arr.join('');


repeatStringNumTimes("abc", 3);
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Challenge: Repeat a String Repeat a String

Link to the challenge:

what’s the starting value of num? a loop execute as long as the condition is true, so it depends what’s the starting value of num. Is num a negative number? than it could work. If num is a positive number, than num < 0 is false from the beginning and the loop never work

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Thank you @ilenia , I get it. num value was 3. A positif num, so that’s why the second solution did not work. If num value was -3, so the second solution would work and the first one would not ? Thanks again ! I think I have to go back over the loop lesson to get it all.

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