Responsive Survey Form

Thank you in advance for the feedback.

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Hi, your page looks amazing!

Here are my few suggestions:

  • The id attribute should be unique within the HTML document and some of your defined IDs are duplicated
    Ex: ‘emp-dropdown’, ‘favorite-dropdown’
  • The submit button in the form is currently inside the last label element. It’s a better practice to place it outside the label element like.

        <label><textarea ...></textarea></label>
        <button id="submit" ...>Submit</button>
  • In your CSS you are importing the Poppins font, it’s a good idea to add a
    fallback font in case the imported font fails to load. This ensures that if in this case the Google Fonts API is unavailable, there’s a backup font for rendering.
    Ex: font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif;

  • And maybe you can add a padding at the top and bottom of your form to separate it from the borders of the browser.

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