Responsive web design. Build a survey form

Hello, i need a simple explanation. Where is my problem?
html code:

    <label id="comment-label" for="comment">Comment section. Make sure to leave only positive comments:</label></br>
    <input id="comment" type="text" placeholder="Just remember, no bad comments...">

css code:

  #comment-label {
      position: relative;
      top: 3px;
      margin: 10px 0 10px 12px;

Why text is not aligned? I mean why paragraph is not on the same level. Im using same code for other text and everything is fine.

Link to code in codepen:

Because you have a left margin of 12px set on it

#comment-label {
	position: relative;
	top: 3px;
	margin: 10px 0 10px 12px;

That text is in a label tag which has a default display of inline, so the left margin only applies to the first line of the text. If you want all of the lines of text to have a left margin of 12px then you need to set the display on that element to block or inline-block. If you don’t want any left margin then change it to 0.

OK, i will try that. But whats the difference here?

same code:

       #name-label, #email-label, #number-label, #dropdown-label, #text1, #text2 {
          position: relative;
          top: 3px;
          margin: 10px 0 10px 12px;

And the result is different:

Ok, i think now i understand.
One is ina label tag, the other is in a p tag. Thanks for help!