Responsive Web Design survey form project

Hi, I have been working (slowly) on my second project, the Survey Form, using CodePen. I realise the new way of doing this is different, but I wanted to keep all my projects in the one space. I have gotten up to 13/17 complete, and the little box at the side that runs the test, has disappeared. I don’t know how to get it back, or create a new pen and just copy my code over. It used to be that FCC had a link, that was set up with the testing thing, for all the projects.

Can you please share the code on this forum

Hey buddy I guess that FCC has deprecated that side panel for test cases as they have provided test cases checker on there on portal so

This are the test case checker so you don’t worry, your code had minor error, which i hope you sought it out

I am sure you would break some legs!!

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