Rest api question

I have to make a call and return an array. Im not allowed to change whats in main. how can I get result to be userNamesArray and not undefined

const axios = require("axios");
const one = "";
const two = "";
async function getUsernames(threshold) {
  let userNamesArray = [];
  const requestOne = await axios.get(one);
  const requestTwo = await axios.get(two);
  axios.all([requestOne, requestTwo]).then(
    axios.spread((...responses) => {
      const responseOne = responses[0].data;
      const responseTwo = responses[1].data;
      userNamesArray = [
        ...makeUserArray(responseOne, threshold),
        ...makeUserArray(responseTwo, threshold),
      return userNamesArray;

function makeUserArray({ data }, threshold) {
  const filteredUsers = data.filter(
    (user) => Number(user["submission_count"]) > threshold
  const newfilteredUsers = => user.username);
  return newfilteredUsers;

async function main() {
  const result = await getUsernames(10);

fixed it…

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