I think I got it? It says that I don’t have any of the asked steps. But it does exactly what is asked. Can someone look at it and tell me what needs to be changed?
Your code so far
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/* file: script.js */
// User Editable Region
//counts what item appears the most
const getHighestDuplicates = () => {
let count = diceValuesArr.reduce((count, curr) => {
if (count[curr]){
count[curr] += 1;
} else {
count[curr] = 1;
return count;
}, {});
//returns how many time the most appearing item appears
let maxCount = 0;
for (let item in count) {
if (count[item] > maxCount) {
maxCount = count[item];
//calculates the sum of all dice
const sumOfAllDice = diceValuesArr.reduce((total, rest) => total + rest, 0);
if (maxCount >= 3){
updateRadioOption(0, sumOfAllDice);
if (maxCount >= 4){
updateRadioOption(1, sumOfAllDice);
} if (maxCount < 3){
updateRadioOption(5, 0)
rollDiceBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (rolls === 3) {
alert("You have made three rolls this round. Please select a score.");
} else {
// User Editable Region
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Review Algorithmic Thinking by Building a Dice Game - Step 7
Thanks I changed it, but it didn’t let me past the test unfortunatily. It says:
// running tests When the array has less than three of the same number, your
function should update the final radio option with
, score = 0
. When the array has three of the same number, your
function should update the
Three of a Kind
radio option with
, score =
and the total sum of the dice. When the array has four of the same number, your
function should update the
Four of a Kind
radio option with
, score =
and the total sum of the dice. When the array has four of the same number, your
This is my code now. I didn’t leave the changed code, because it’s already taken care of with using >= instead of = by if (maxCount >= 3) (referring back to the user a2937)
Even when changed i dont’t pass… But for my feeling my code does everything it supposed to do in this step.
//counts what item appears the most
const getHighestDuplicates = () => {
let count = diceValuesArr.reduce((count, curr) => {
if (count[curr]){
count[curr] += 1;
} else {
count[curr] = 1;
return count;
}, {});
//returns how many time the most appearing item appears
let maxCount = 0;
for (let item in count) {
if (count[item] > maxCount) {
maxCount = count[item];
//calculates the sum of all dice
const sumOfAllDice = diceValuesArr.reduce((total, rest) => total + rest, 0);
if (maxCount >= 3){
updateRadioOption(0, sumOfAllDice);
if (maxCount >= 4){
updateRadioOption(0, sumOfAllDice);
} if (maxCount < 3){
updateRadioOption(5, 0);
rollDiceBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (rolls === 3) {
alert("You have made three rolls this round. Please select a score.");
} else {
If you roll the dice and get a Three of a kind or Four of a kind, then you can get a score totalling the sum of all five dice values. To calculate this, create a getHighestDuplicates function which takes an array of numbers. The function will need to count how many times each number is found in the array.
If a number appears four or more times, you will need to update the Four of a Kind option with your updateRadioOption function. If a number appears three or more times, you will need to update the Three of a Kind option. In both cases, the score value should be the sum of all five dice.
If neither of those are true, the final option should be updated with a score of 0. Make sure to call your getHighestDuplicates when the dice are rolled.