Hi all
I am currently trying to build a review carousel that essentially displays one photo at a time, but will rotate the displayed photo upon clicking either the left or right button. I have managed to get to the point of trying to add some JS that will add ‘hidden’ or ‘visible’ to the classList of the specified element, but I cannot get it to work and it is no longer throwing any errors in Dev Tools. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
let slidePosition = 0;
const slides = document.getElementsByClassName('carousel-item');
let totalSlides = slides.length;
function nextReview() {
if (slidePosition == totalSlides - 1) {
slidePosition = 0;
} else {
function previousReview() {
if (slidePosition == 0) {
slidePosition = 0;
} else {
function updateSlidePosition() {
for (let slide of slides) {
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Review Page</title>
<div class="heading">
<h1>Our Reviews:</h1>
<div class="name">
<h2>John Doe</h2>
<div class="carousel">
<div class="carousel-item" style="display: block">
<img id="defVisible" src="./Images/male-sample-image.jpg" alt="An image of a man">
<div class="carousel-item" style="display: none">
<img id="imageTwo" src="./Images/woman-sample-image.jpg" alt="An image of a woman">
<div class="carousel-item" style="display: none">
<img id="imageThree" src="./Images/KhaineFatHead.jpg" alt="An image of Khaine">
<div class="occupation">
<p>Full-Stack Developer</p>
<div class="userComment">
<p id="userComment">This website is amazing - really useful learning experience. I hope the creator continues on his developer journey and we see more from him in the future!</p>
<div class="userAction">
<button type="button" id="buttonLeft" onclick="previousReview()">Previous</button>
<button type="button" id="buttonRight" onclick="nextReview()">Next</button>
<script src="script.js"></script>
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.carousel-item {
display: none;
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