Tell us what’s happening:
I really don’t know what’s the problem with this. I’ve tried to copy and paste, reload the page and also try to watch some videos where they pass with my same code. There’s something I’m not seeing?
Your code so far
<!-- file: index.html -->
/* file: styles.css */
/* file: script.js */
// User Editable Region
function resetGame() {
playerScore = 0;
computerScore = 0;
playerScoreSpanElement.innerText = playerScore;
computerScoreSpanElement.innerText = computerScore; = "none"; = "block";
winnerMsgElement.innerText = ""
roundResultMsg.innerText = ""
// User Editable Region
Your browser information:
User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Challenge Information:
Review DOM Manipulation by Building a Rock, Paper, Scissors Game - Step 6