Review JavaScript Fundamentals by Building a Gradebook App - Step 2

Tell us what’s happening:

im not sure 1. Your getGrade function should return “A++” if the score is 100.
2. Your getGrade function should return “A” if the score is 94.
3. Your getGrade function should return “B” if the score is between 80 and 89.
4. Your getGrade function should return “C” if the score is 78.
5. Your getGrade function should return “D” if the score is between 60 and 69.
6. Your getGrade function should return “F” if the score is 57.
7. Your getGrade function wrong but i keep getting this in the console

Your code so far

function getAverage(scores) {
  let sum = 0;

  for (const score of scores) {
    sum += score;

  return sum / scores.length;

// User Editable Region

function getGrade(score) {
if (score === 100){console.log("A++");}
  else if (score <= 99 && score>= 90){console.log("A");}
else if (score <= 89 && score>= 80){console.log("B");}
else if (score <= 79 && score>= 70){console.log("C");}
else if (score <= 69 && score >= 60){console.log("D");}
else if (score <= 59 && score >= 50){console.log}("F";)

// User Editable Region

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Review JavaScript Fundamentals by Building a Gradebook App - Step 2

The problem resides in your “F” grade part


There is some noticeable error here. You can rearrange the brackets as shown:


Your error should be fixed. Let me know if you need anything else!

Hi there!

Instructions is asking you: Your function should return a string representing a letter grade based on the score.

Currently you are logged the strings, not returned.

changed to return still the same problem

function getGrade(score) {
if (score === 100){console.log("A++");}
else if (score >= 90){
  return "A";
else if (score <= 89 && score>= 80){return("B");}
else if (score <= 79 && score>= 70){return("C");}
else if (score <= 69 && score>= 60){return("D");}
else if (score <= 59 && score>= 50){return("F");

Hi @ryanstruckus

You have a syntax error.

The getGrade function is not closed with a curly brace.

The hint messages will guide you on the next issues.

Happy coding

there is a close brace after the smi colon is that the wrong place

i add a sim colon and i got the error code Your


function should return


if the score is between





function getGrade(score) {

if (score === 100){return"A++";}

else if (score >= 90){

return "A";


else if (score <= 89 && score>= 80){return "B";}

else if (score <= 79 && score>= 70){return "C";}

else if (score <= 69 && score>= 60){return "D";}

else if (score <= 59 && score>= 50){return "F";}





What if the score is 30?