Tell us what’s happening:
Review JavaScript Fundamentals by building a Gradebook app. I have no idea which part is wrong here. It says ‘Your studentMsg function should return the correct message based on the student’s score and the class average.’ but it is stated correctly.
Your code so far
function getAverage(scores) {
let sum = 0;
for (const score of scores) {
sum += score;
return sum / scores.length;
function getGrade(score) {
if (score === 100) {
return "A++";
} else if (score >= 90) {
return "A";
} else if (score >= 80) {
return "B";
} else if (score >= 70) {
return "C";
} else if (score >= 60) {
return "D";
} else {
return "F";
function hasPassingGrade(score) {
return getGrade(score) !== "F";
// User Editable Region
function studentMsg(totalScores, studentScore) {
const classAverage = getAverage(totalScores).toFixed(1);
const grade = getGrade(studentScore);
let message = "Class average: " + classAverage + ". Your grade: " + grade + ". You ";
if (hasPassingGrade(studentScore)) {
message += "passed the course.";
} else {
message += "failed the course.";
return message;
console.log(studentMsg([92, 88, 12, 77, 57, 100, 67, 38, 97, 89], 37));
// User Editable Region
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Review JavaScript Fundamentals by Building a Gradebook App - Step 4