Hey everyone,
I was doing the rock, papers and scissors project, I was able to beat kris, mrugesh and quincy with above 60% win while I am not able to manage a win for more than 50.20% against abbey. Please suggest if there’s a better way to beat him.
Here is his code.
def abbey(prev_opponent_play,
"RR": 0,
"RP": 0,
"RS": 0,
"PR": 0,
"PP": 0,
"PS": 0,
"SR": 0,
"SP": 0,
"SS": 0,
if not prev_opponent_play:
prev_opponent_play = 'R'
last_two = "".join(opponent_history[-2:])
if len(last_two) == 2:
play_order[0][last_two] += 1
potential_plays = [
prev_opponent_play + "R",
prev_opponent_play + "P",
prev_opponent_play + "S",
sub_order = {
k: play_order[0][k]
for k in potential_plays if k in play_order[0]
prediction = max(sub_order, key=sub_order.get)[-1:]
ideal_response = {'P': 'S', 'R': 'P', 'S': 'R'}
return ideal_response[prediction]
PS:- It is mandatory to have atleast 60% win to pass the project.