Roman Numeral Converter, Code Review

Hey all, I finished the project and all my tests are passed. I just would like somebody other than me to look it over and see what I could have done better/what I could refactor. Thanks!

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Looks good but I would have changed the order of the if statements. You can do the checking for an invalid number first and do the handling for it and then if all the previous ifs didn’t apply, apply the conversion algorithm. (Then you don’t have to repeat yourself in the if conditions)

Thanks! lol I was expecting a lot more to be wrong/over complicated…

That a good job you did there. Is this a personal project or is this part of the future projects from freeCodeCamp? It really got me exited. :+1:

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It was one of the cert projects for the Javascript traing path. I did enjoy building it, mostly cuz I understood what I was doing, lol.

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I was having fun putting in different numbers, lol. I still have to complete web design first to get there.

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Once you get through the html/css portion you’ll have fun

I hope so and I am exited.

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