Roman Numeral Converter looks like it passes tests but doesn't

Tell us what’s happening:
To me it looks like my code passes the tests. When I run the tests my code only passes the test for convertToRoman(2). What am I missing? Thank you.

Your code so far

// convert standard numbers 1 - 3999 to roman numerals

let baseRomNum = {
  1 : "I", 2: "II", 3: "III", 4: "IV",  5 : "V", 6: "VI", 7: "VII", 8: "VIII", 9: "IX",
  10 : "X", 20: "XX", 30: "XXX", 40: "XL", 50 : "L", 60: "LX", 70: "LXX", 80: "LXXX", 90: "XC",
  100 : "C", 200: "CC", 300: "CCC", 400: "CD", 500 : "D", 600: "DC", 700: "DCC", 800: "DCCC", 900: "CM",
  1000 : "M", 2000: "MM", 3000: "MMM", 4000: "MMMM"

let romNum = "";

function convertToRoman(num) {
    for (var remains = num; remains > 0; remains = remains - Object.keys(baseRomNum)[Object.keys(baseRomNum).findIndex(function(currVal){ return currVal > remains })-1] ){
  romNum = romNum + baseRomNum[Object.keys(baseRomNum)[Object.keys(baseRomNum).findIndex(function(currVal){ return currVal > remains })-1]]
 return JSON.stringify(romNum);

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Link to the challenge:

Try removing JSON.stringify(romNum) and leave romNum only. You don’t need to stringify a string

@saclark12000, I also would suggest you to try to solve it with functional programming. It really looks hard-coded. Try same with this initial variable:

const baseRomNum = {
  1: 'IXCM',
  5: 'VLD'

Good luck!

Thanks for taking a look. I originally did not have the JSON.stringify(romNum) returned but since it wasn’t passing the tests, I put it there so it would look exactly like what is being asked for as output. Even without stringing the string it fails all tests, except convertToRoman(2).

It passes the first test only because you declaring romNum outside your function and so it doesn’t reset on each invoke. Put it inside the function.

Ah ok, that makes sense and it now passes all the tests. Thanks again for your help!