Hi. I 'm new in coding, and also in javaScript. I have problem while trying to solve the second challenge of the javaScript “Roman Numeral Converter”. I mean it’s give output correctly but still why its not marking as correct? Please help me anyone. Forgive my English.
My code so far—
//Roman numerals and Arabic numerals object---
const numeralsObj = {
'M': 1000,
'CM': 900,
'D': 500,
'CD': 400,
'C': 100,
'XC': 90,
'L': 50,
'XL': 40,
'X': 10,
'IX': 9,
'V': 5,
'IV': 4,
'I': 1,
//Extracting all the values of the object in an array---
let valueArray = [];
for (let key in numeralsObj) {
if (numeralsObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
//Extracting value in a array from an array in respective to a given number---
let roman = [];
const romanNumArr = function (arr, nu) {
const remain = nu - arr[0];
if (remain >= arr[0]) {
romanNumArr(arr, remain);
} else {
const b = arr.filter(el => el > remain);
arr.splice(0, b.length);
if (arr[0] < remain) {
romanNumArr(arr, remain);
} else {
if (remain !== 0) {
function convertToRoman(num) {
let romanArray = [];
const ar = valueArray.filter((el) => el <= num);
// Calling the function
romanNumArr(ar, num);
//Extracting key from the object in respective to the Arabic array of values---
roman.forEach((romNum) => Object.keys(numeralsObj).forEach(key => {
if (numeralsObj[key] === romNum) {
//Joing the array---
num = romanArray.join("");
return num;