I just finished my converter. It doesn’t really feel finished because of how it looks visually. I would appreciate any suggestions on how I could make it look better and feedback on my javascript code.
const inputBox = document.getElementById("number");
const converBtn = document.getElementById("convert-btn");
const outputBox = document.getElementById("output");
// rn stands for romand numerals and an stands for Arabic numerals
const romanArr = [
{ rn: "M", an: 1000 },
{ rn: "CM", an: 900 },
{ rn: "D", an: 500 },
{ rn: "CD", an: 400 },
{ rn: "C", an: 100 },
{ rn: "XC", an: 90 },
{ rn: "L", an: 50 },
{ rn: "XL", an: 40 },
{ rn: "X", an: 10 },
{ rn: "IX", an: 9 },
{ rn: "V", an: 5 },
{ rn: "IV", an: 4 },
{ rn: "I", an: 1 },
function convertToRoman(input) {
let resultNumerals = "";
for (const x of romanArr) {
while (input >= x.an) {
resultNumerals += x.rn;
input -= x.an;
return resultNumerals;
function showOutput() {
if (inputBox.value === "") {
outputBox.innerText = "Please enter a valid number";
} else if (inputBox.value < 1) {
outputBox.innerText = "Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1";
} else if (inputBox.value >= 4000) {
outputBox.innerText = "Please enter a number less than or equal to 3999";
} else {
let numberal = convertToRoman(inputBox.value);
outputBox.innerText = numberal;
inputBox.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
if (e.key === "Enter") {
inputBox.value = "";
converBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
inputBox.value = "";