Tell us what’s happening:
formatText(testText, ‘right’) should produce text with columns justified to the right.
Failed:formatText(testText, ‘left’) should produce text with columns justified to the left.
Failed:formatText(testText, ‘center’) should produce text with columns justified to the center.
Your code so far
function formatText(textArray, alignment = 'left') {
if (!Array.isArray(textArray) || textArray.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Input should be a non-empty array of strings.');
const validAlignments = ['left', 'right', 'center'];
if (!validAlignments.includes(alignment)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid alignment. Choose from: ${validAlignments.join(', ')}`);
// Split each line into fields
const splitLines = => line.split('$'));
// Determine the maximum width of each column
const colWidths = splitLines[0].map((_, colIndex) =>
Math.max( => (line[colIndex] || '').length))
// Function to justify text within a given width
const justify = (text, width, alignment) => {
const spaces = width - text.length;
switch (alignment) {
case 'right':
return ' '.repeat(spaces) + text;
case 'center':
const leftSpaces = Math.floor(spaces / 2);
const rightSpaces = spaces - leftSpaces;
return ' '.repeat(leftSpaces) + text + ' '.repeat(rightSpaces);
case 'left':
return text + ' '.repeat(spaces);
// Build the aligned text
const alignedText = =>, colIndex) => justify(field || '', colWidths[colIndex], alignment)).join(' ')
return alignedText.join('\n');
// Example usage:
const testText = [
console.log(formatText(testText, 'left')),
console.log(formatText(testText, 'right')),
console.log(formatText(testText, 'center'));
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Challenge Information:
Rosetta Code Challenges - Align columns