Scientific Computing with Python Projects - Arithmetic Formatter

Hi! I wish you could help me, I have that one error, when I try to run the to test my code on replit it is not ejecuted, when I add the next command I have found here may works (on the console) I just receive this error there is not matter what I choose, trying other methods found here to fix that on the hell have not worket too:

run = python3
run: command not installed. Multiple versions of this command were found in Nix.
Select one to run (or press Ctrl-C to cancel):
Adding run to replit.nix
run: ERROR: runfile ‘Runfile’ not found: please create the file or specify an alternative.

Do you know what I can do to solve this?
Thank you ever so much!

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Challenge: Scientific Computing with Python Projects - Arithmetic Formatter

Link to the challenge:

This line goes into the .replit file

Screenshot 2023-10-02 073220

Hi! Thank you ever so much for answering, I have the .replit as you have said and I have sustituyed that line you sublined on the first picture, but the second pic Where should be that? do I have to type all that on the same .replit? Please forgive me I am tottaly new on this and according to my vscode the code has not error but I can not run the test on .replit because of this.

No problem, anyime it’s missing a module like this you can install it from the shell by typing:

pip install pytest
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Thank you ever so much! I did this on the shell using the app and finally it could run the test, on my computer for a reasond it did not worked.

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