Tell us what’s happening:
Hi, I’m working on the Time Calculator project and still fail one test. I was working on it in replit, the Traceback there says I have one space appearing that shouldn’t be there… but I’m totally missing something, because I can’t find where it’s coming from.
Replit Traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/runner/boilerplate-time-calculator/”, line 50, in test_same_period_with_day
self.assertEqual(actual, expected, ‘Expected calling “add_time()” with “3:30 PM”, “2:12”, “Monday” to return “5:42 PM, Monday”’)
AssertionError: '5:42 PM, Monday ’ != ‘5:42 PM, Monday’
Your code so far
def add_time(start, duration, day=None):
a = start.split()
b = a[0].split(":")
starting_hour = b[0]
starting_minute = b[1]
time_of_day = a[1]
z = duration.split(":")
duration_hour = z[0]
duration_minute = z[1]
total_hours = int(starting_hour) + int(duration_hour)
total_minutes = int(starting_minute) + int(duration_minute)
days = 0
# using floor division to calculate the number of hours
# using the remainder operator to find the number of minutes
if total_minutes >= 60:
total_hours += total_minutes // 60
total_minutes %= 60
if total_minutes < 10:
total_minutes = "0" + str(total_minutes)
while total_hours >= 24:
total_hours = total_hours - 24
days += 1
if time_of_day == 'AM':
if int(total_hours) >= 12:
time_of_day = 'PM'
elif time_of_day == 'PM':
if int(total_hours) >= 12:
time_of_day = "AM"
days += 1
if total_hours > 12:
total_hours -= 12
elif total_hours == 0 and time_of_day == AM:
total_hours = 12
next_day = ""
if days == 1:
next_day = "(next day)"
elif days > 1:
next_day = "({0} days later)".format(days)
next_day = ""
if day:
day = day.lower()
if day == "monday":
day = 1
elif day == "tuesday":
day = 2
elif day == "wednesday":
day = 3
elif day == "thursday":
day = 4
elif day == "friday":
day = 5
elif day == "saturday":
day = 6
elif day == "sunday":
day = 7
day = None
sum_day_s = day + days
if sum_day_s <= 7:
day = sum_day_s
day = sum_day_s % 7
if day == 1:
day = "Monday"
elif day == 2:
day = "Tuesday"
elif day == 3:
day = "Wednesday"
elif day == 4:
day = "Thursday"
elif day == 5:
day = "Friday"
elif day == 6:
day = "Saturday"
elif day == 7:
day = "Sunday"
new_time = "{0}:{1} {2}, {3} {4}".format(str(total_hours),str(total_minutes),str(time_of_day),str(day),str(next_day))
elif day and next_day == "":
new_time = "{0}:{1} {2}, {3}".format(str(total_hours),str(total_minutes),str(time_of_day),str(day))
elif not day and next_day == "":
new_time = "{0}:{1} {2}".format(str(total_hours),str(total_minutes),str(time_of_day))
new_time = "{0}:{1} {2} {3}".format(str(total_hours),str(total_minutes),str(time_of_day),str(next_day))
return new_time
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Scientific Computing with Python Projects - Time Calculator