Scrittura di Algoritmi Intermedio - Minimo Comune Multiplo

Tell us what’s happening:

I wrote an algorithm that works perfectly and passes all the tests on my editor but in the editor of the site does not pass any tests.
I would like feedback from some administrators as I suppose it is a problem of the site and not of my code.

Your code so far

function smallestCommons(arr) {

  // gestione eccezione 0
  if(arr[0] === 0 || arr[1] === 0){
    return 0;

  // creo una lista che comprende l' intervallo dei due indici dell'arr
  lista = [];
  if(arr[0] < arr[1]){
    for(let i = arr[0]; i <= arr[1]; i++){
    for(let i = arr[1]; i <= arr[0]; i++){

  // incremementa finquando non trova un numero divisibile per tutti i numeri dell'intervallo
  let multiplo = lista[lista.length - 1];
    let divisibile = true;
      for(let i = 0; i < lista.length; i++){
        if(multiplo % lista[i] != 0){
          divisibile = false;

  return multiplo;


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Scrittura di Algoritmi Intermedio - Minimo Comune Multiplo

This is a problem with you not declarng this variable. The freeCodeCamp editor requires you to properly declare all variables with var, let, or const.

Also, only increasing by 1 here might be slow enough to trigger infinite loop protection in some cases.

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