Search and Replace Different Solution

Tell us what’s happening:

this is my solution and it works, but I don’t know if its a good solution or not since i haven’t seen any other similar solution.

If you guys could please tell me what are the good and bad things about this code.

Thank you.


Your code so far

function myReplace(str, before, after) {
	var beforeArr = before.split('');
    var afterArr = after.split('');

    if(beforeArr[0] === beforeArr[0].toLowerCase()){
      afterArr[0] = afterArr[0].toLowerCase();
      afterArr = afterArr.join('');
    } else {
      afterArr[0] = afterArr[0].toUpperCase();
      afterArr = afterArr.join('');
    return str.replace(before, afterArr);

myReplace("A quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog", "jumped", "leaped");

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Link to the challenge:

Hi Randell,
Thank you for your feedback i understand how using that line you mention only once makes it a lot cleaner. And sorry about not blurring the code :frowning: I’ll be more careful next time.