I’m slowing working my way through the portfolio project and am having some trouble with passing the requirement that the welcome section must be equal to the users viewport, I thought I’d solved this early on by setting the sections height to height: 100vh
(from what I understand one 1vh is equal to 1% of a users screen) but I’m not passing this test. Any ideas?
Since your nav will be taken out of flow as it has the fixed property set on it. If you set your welcome section min-height to be 100vh(same as 100 percent of the screen as long as the content inside doesn’t overflow it’s container) it should pass the user story.
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you need to remove the padding-top on the #welcome -section
, add top: 0
to #navbar
and also use min-height instead hard-coded height: 100vh
– i tested that out just now.
That will spoil your layout though, but it fixable.
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Thank you, you were right, this solves it
All I had to do was change the 200 margin top to 200 padding top and the layout was fixed too
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