can you help me understand how this is working ? I cant seem to break down how it’s working. Thank you. this is the specific part const gcd =(a,b) => a ? gcd(b % a, a) : b;
const lcm =(a,b) => a * b /gcd(a,b);
return myArr.reduce(lcm);
**Your code so far**
function smallestCommons(arr) {
let myArr = [];
let min = arr.reduce((a,b) => Math.min(a,b))
let max =arr.reduce((c,d) => Math.max(c,d))
for(let i=min; i<=max; i++){
const gcd =(a,b) => a ? gcd(b % a, a) : b;
const lcm =(a,b) => a * b /gcd(a,b);
return myArr.reduce(lcm);
console.log(smallestCommons([1, 5]));
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Challenge: Smallest Common Multiple
Link to the challenge: